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Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2021

Starke Bizeps | Bizepstraining | Fitnessübungen Bizeps

SNF Academy - Swiss Nutrition & Fitness Academy 

Physical fitness exercises| Arms 

You would like to increase your arm size or define your arm muscles? By a specific arm training this is possible provided that you exercise correctly. In this contribution you learn the arm muscles are at all responsible for what and to what you should pay attention at the fitness training.

Function of the arm muscles

fitness ausbildung schweiz

(so-called inflection) is the biceps to bend responsible, the forearm for this over the elbow joint. Turning the forearm to aussen (so-called supine) is also made possible by the biceps. 

His opponent is the triceps responsibly for the streching (so-called extension) of the arms. He arranges one the arm size major part steeply. Therefore a triceps training is elementarily important if one liked to build up his arm muscles or increase the arm size. 

The Brachialis lies below the biceps. The better this muscle is exercised, the stronger the biceps gets visibly. The Brachialis is also responsible for the arm diffraction. By a corresponding fingering technique (e.g. Curls with overhand bowing or hammer Curls) this muscle can be exercised still more specifically. 

The sub-arm muscles are responsible for the diffraction (Inflection) and streching (Extension) of the hand. 

Arm exercises 

Following a listing of the most important arm exercises in the weigth training. (Equipment, fingering technique, angle, speed) are executed like these exercises, different areas of the arm muscles can be exercised or defined depending on. 

·Bizepscurls reverse 
·Triceps pressures 
·Kick back 
·Couch support 
·Forehead pressures 
·Unterarmcurls reverse 

Training plan - arm training

So that your arm musculature is exercised evenly and efficiently, you should pay attention to the following points in your training plan:

·Exercise election dial the arm exercises which is the most efficient for your target achievement and which optimally completes themselves
·Number of exercises per training more is not just more, the number therefore chooses arm exercises which optimally irritates your arm muscles, not overstraining, however
·The number of sentences per training is a factor underestimated often number of sentences per exercise. 
Too few sentences are inefficient and too many sentences can lead overtraining to an overload of the arm muscles or even one and therefore are counterproductive. 

·Number of repetitions per sentence what your aim is and how long you already exercise, you can vary the repetitions per sentence - depending on. 

·If it is your aim to increase the muscle volume or the arm size, you should not length of the sentence breaks choose too short or too long sentence breaks 

·Not only the election of the arm exercises but also the combination and order are important combination and order of the exercises, so that the arm muscles are exercised as efficiently as possible before they fatigue. 

·The intensity can be changed intensity - both by the chosen weight and through the sentence breaks and exercise duration. To cause a muscle growth or a muscle refreshment, the intensity must be chosen correctly without hurting the arm muscles. 

·The focus of the load can be changed fingering technique & angle - by different fingering techniques and angles. So e.g. one can turn the arm to aussen or to inside easily or change the fingering technique at biceps exercises to exercise the muscles still more specifically. 

·Regeneration the arm muscle does not build up during the training but after which during the regeneration. The regeneration is therefore a key element at the muscle construction.

Depending on aim and prerequisites (e.g. training experience), moreover, you must adapt the following parameters individually in your training plan:

·Way of training choose that training kind of (e.g. strength endurance training, hypertrophy training, maximum weigth training, endurance training etc..) which agrees both with your aims and with your 
training state. Moreover, pays attention, the ways of training to alternate regularly and in the right interval. 

·Training frequency does only not depend on your time how often you exercise per week but also of your regeneration ability and particularly of the chosen training plan. Therefore choose the training frequency which optimally agrees with your chosen training plan. 

·The right election of the training plan is decisive training plan (Whole body or Splittraining) to achieve lasting successes. Easy to copy a training plan of somebody is not dangerous only inefficiently but partly.

You would like to learn how one makes professional training plans as one existing training plans analyses and optimizes and adapts parameters listed above in a training plan individually? You would like to support even others than staff coach if need be to accomplish her goals? Staff coach education then ask about these online.
The necessary bases are conveyed to you in this integral education to analyse training plans and make and a second pivot leg build up for you as staff coach head or as a second job.

Moreover, all exercises are not explained to you only with pictures but also with videos in detail and produced. We go into the following points specifically:

·most frequent faults
·different variants of the exercises

You receive over 400 photos and videos from exercises for the following muscle groups:

·Arm musculature
·Shoulder musculature
·Back musculature
·Neck musculature
·Chest musculature
·Belly musculature
·Leg musculature

Following you find a listing of the arm exercises which one, in this one online staff coach education be explained in detail.

Overview arm exercises in this one online staff coach education

Biceps exercises

·Bizepscurls with short dumbbells
·Bizepscurls sitting with a short dumbbell
·Bizepscurls with a long dumbbell
·Bizepscurls with a SZ bar
·Bizepscurls being at the cable train
·Meaning much to Bizepscurls at the cable train
·Bizepscurls sitting at the cable train
·Bizepscurls at the cable train from below
·Bizepscurls at the cable train from above
·Bizepscurls with a third ribbon

Triceps exercises

·Triceps pressures at the cable train with a mobile handle
·Triceps pressures at the cable train with a solid handle
·One-armed triceps pressures at the cable train
·One-armed Trizpesdrücken bent forward at the cable train
·Over-head triceps pressures with a short dumbbell
·One-armed over-head triceps pressures with a short dumbbell
·Kick back at a bank
·Kick back standing with short dumbbells
·Couch support narrow
·Forehead pressures with a long dumbbell
·Forehead pressures with a SZ bar
·Forehead pressures with short dumbbells

Forearm exercises

·Unterarmcurls with short dumbbells
·Unterarmcurls with a long dumbbell
·Unterarmcurls with a third ribbon
·Unterarmcurls reverse with short dumbbells
·Unterarmcurls reverse with a long dumbbell
Unterarmcurls reverse with a third ribbon 


Zur Info:

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2021

Fitnessausbildungen online absolvieren Schweiz

Die Welt hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren stark verändert. Früher absolvierte man Ausbildungen vor Ort, heute kann man sie auf dem Iphone oder Notebook einfach und bequem von zu Hause oder unterwegs aus absolvieren. 

Was ist geschehen?

Durch den technologischen Wandel und die Vernetzungsdichte im Internet hat sich nicht nur das Konsumverhalten, sondern generell auch die Möglichkeiten, wie z.B. sich weiterzubilden, stark verändert. 

Heute kann also jemand aus Japan oder China die Ausbildungen der SNF Academy (Swiss Nutrition & Fitness Academy) online absolvieren und sich weiterbilden. Dies wäre vor 20 oder 30 Jahren unvorstellbar gewesen. 

Innovation & Kreativität

Um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Schritthalten zu können, bedarf es an Offenheit, Kreativität und Dynamik. Die SNF Academy ist in dieser Hinsicht ein Vorbild für viele Firmen in der Schweiz. 

Sämtliche Ausbildungen, Coachings und Kurse wurden durch Birol Isik und Daniela Lovric konzipiert und erfolgreich auf dem Markt positioniert. Dies ohne Hilfe der Banken oder des Staates.

Vision - Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Die Vision der SNF Academy: Das Leben der Menschen durch

  • vorbildliches Leben
  • Wissensvermittlung
  • Inspiration 

zu verbessern. 

Digitalisierung der Produkte 2019

Bis Ende 2018 wurden folgende Ausbildungen und Coachings vor Ort angeboten:

Personal Trainer Ausbildung
Ernährungscoach Ausbildung

Aufgrund hoher Nachfrage aus dem Ausland, haben die beiden sich entschieden, die Ausbildungen und Coachings zu digitalisieren.

Dadurch haben auch ausländische Kunden Zugang zu hochwertigem und ganzheitlichem Wissen. Sie müssen nicht mehr vor Ort sein, sondern können sich online weiterbilden. Die Kunden der SNF Academy haben pro Ausbildung 365 Tage Zeit, um diese online abzuschliessen. 

Weitere Details über die Ausbildungen der Swiss Nutrition & Fitness Academy -


Digitalisierung und die Fitnessbranche in der Schweiz

Digitalisierung und die Fitnessbranche in der Schweiz

Durch die Digitalisierung und Globalisierung bilden sich immer mehr Menschen online weiter. Die Pandemie hat das noch mehr gefördert

Die SNF Academy Schweiz (Swiss Nutrition & Fitness Academy) hat ihre Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Fitness im Jahre 2019 digitalisiert und international positioniert. 

Ab sofort können auch Kunden ausserhalb der Schweiz von Birol Isik's und Daniela Lovric's Wisse und Erfahrung profitieren. 

Hier findest Du die aktuellen Dienstleistungen: 

Ernährungsberatung Ausbildung Online

Personal Trainer Ausbildung Online: 

Premium Paket - Details

Werden die klassischen Berufsbilder wie Fitnessinstruktoren aussterben?

Die Zeiten, als man sich bei den Fitnesscentern anstellen lassen konnte, sind so langsa aber sicher vorbei. Durch die Globalisierung und Digitalisierung werden immer mehr Fitnessinstruktoren oder Fitnesstrainer ihren sicheren Job verlieren. 

Die Gründe liegen auf der Hand:

Um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung wettbewerbsfähig sein zu können, müssen Kosten gesenkt werden. Die Mitarbeiter verursachen hohe Kosten. Diese werden gekürzt werden.

In diesem Video klärt der Leadershipexperte Birol Isik auf

Erklärungsvideo Personal Trainer Ausbildung online & Ernährungscoach Ausbildung Onlien

Dozentin: Daniela Lovric 

Weitere Details findest unter:

Starke Bizeps | Bizepstraining | Fitnessübungen Bizeps

SNF Academy - Swiss Nutrition & Fitness Academy  Physical fitness exercises| Arms  You would like to increase your arm size or define yo...